Boarding a Catamaran for Sale in the Philippines? Know These Safety Tips First

(Image Source: Going on a cruise around the Philippines aboard a catamaran for sale for the first time? We know you’re excited, but before anything else, take note of the following tips to ensure an incident-free voyage when you’re out at sea. First timer or not, every passenger should observe safety measures during a sea trip, always. Develop a float plan. Be sure to inform a reliable person about your float plan. A float plan may include the name, address, and phone number of trip leader. It may also include the trip itinerary, the name & number of all passengers, and the type of boat you are on. Don’t forget life jackets. According to U.S. Coast Guard reports in 2010, 88% of boating death victims weren’t wearing life jackets during the incident. Don’t be part of the statistics and make sure you and everyone in the family are wearing life jackets. Familiarize yourself with emergency & evacuation plans. M...